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In a spar with the ramen you recover 2 chakra bars In a spar come come paradise(the book)heals all your chakra In a spar the lotus flower recovers all your hp When you get 5000 money go to all the shops that you see and buy to from each To get more chakra from your energy got to the hot springs and click on relax and vise versa on invigorate Lee likes lotus flower and the green jump suit. Sasuke likes windmill shuriken, kunai pouch and shuriken set.favorite windmill shuriken Naruto likes ramen and doggie hat.favorite ramen When you start the game all the points that you can use put it on you chakra.then you go to the traning grounds and train you chakra until its to 50,then you train your strength until its to 50 in the training grounds.then in the academy you raise your intelligence until its to 50,and do the same to the charm in the flower shop.you should have all your chakra bars and max stength bar.the you go to town hall and do missions until you have 5000 money,then you train all your chakra,strength,charm and intelligence to 99 each(thats the max and all this should take you to day 25th ish)then go for your desired boy. Please read the entire text before playing the game